now more than ever inner work is very important, but many have asked how/where to start, so I am excited and BEyond proud to finally share this offering!!! whether for yourself or another, GIFT BEING PRESENT I have created a simple way to ensure one allows the opportunity to truly connect 💜🙏🏽💜 •••begIN withIN••• Feeling the need to bring some peace and calm to your life??? Mindfulness and meditation may be just what you need!!! •••ZEN••• This is a 21-day challenge introducing mindfulness and meditation. You'll get daily prompts explaining how to do sitting meditations, plus mindfulness checks at the end of each day. •••begIN the journey back to you••• https://www.kennybakeriii.com/challenge-page/02402fc7-2bd0-41da-a099-7d122c876485/